(5MinNewsBreak.com) – In a resounding victory for religious freedom, a federal judge has blocked the Biden-Harris administration’s attempt to force Catholic employers to accommodate abortions and transgender demands.
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U.S. District Judge Daniel Traynor’s ruling protects over 8,000 Catholic organizations from complying with regulations that violate their beliefs.
This decision marks a significant pushback against the radical left’s relentless assault on traditional values.
Judge Traynor granted a preliminary injunction to the Catholic Benefits Association and the Diocese of Bismarck, North Dakota.
It ruled that the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission’s (EEOC) guidelines likely violated their religious freedom.
The judge’s decision prevents the enforcement of harassment regulations that would have required Catholic institutions to support abortion, fertility treatments or gender transition – practices that directly conflict with Catholic teachings.
The lawsuit was filed in July by the Diocese of Bismarck and the Catholic Benefits Association, which covers 162,000 employees.
It challenged rules based on the Pregnant Workers Fairness Act and Title VII of the Civil Rights Act.
These Biden-Harris administration policies sought to strong-arm religious organizations into compromising their faith-based principles under the guise of anti-discrimination measures.
“It is a precarious time for people of religious faith in America. It has been described as a post-Christian age,” Judge Traynor wrote.
“One indication of this dire assessment may be the repeated illegal and unconstitutional administrative actions against one of the founding principles of our country, the free exercise of religion,” he added.
This decision is part of a larger battle to preserve religious liberties in the face of an increasingly bitter secular agenda.
Judge Traynor’s injunction also blocks the EEOC from taking action against the Catholic Benefits Association’s members for refusing to use pronouns or allow bathroom use based on transgender employees’ preferred gender identity.
Meanwhile, federal attorneys’ attempts to dismiss the plaintiffs’ concerns as “speculative” show a blatant lack of understanding or respect for religious beliefs.
As the left continues its crusade against traditional values, this ruling provides hope for millions of Americans who refuse to compromise their faith.
It sends a clear message that religious freedom remains a fundamental right in America despite the relentless efforts of the Biden-Harris administration and its allies to violate it.
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