‘Operation Autumn Sweep’ – 157 Arrested!

Person in handcuffs arrested by police officer.

(5MinNewsBreak.com) – During the massive “Operation Autumn Sweep,” Florida’s Polk County Sheriff’s Office arrested 157 people after busting a shocking web of human trafficking and illegal immigration.

Even though the five-day undercover operation was cut short by Hurricane Milton, it still managed to net an astounding number of suspects involved in prostitution, child exploitation and human trafficking.

Among those arrested were 25 illegals from countries including Guatemala, Honduras and Venezuela.

Known for his no-nonsense approach to law enforcement, Sheriff Grady Judd did not hesitate to criticize federal policies that have enabled these crimes.

“Sixteen percent of the suspects we arrested are here illegally, but were offered free medical, food, travel, and housing, compliments of the U.S. taxpayers — meanwhile hurricane victims are still waiting, and praying for help,” Judd stated.

The operation uncovered disturbing details about the extent of human trafficking networks operating across state and international borders.

Four women identified as trafficking victims had been smuggled across the border, with two still paying off a $6,000 “coyote debt” to their smugglers.

Judd further stated:

“Make no mistake about it, the government is complicit and is aiding and abetting human trafficking in the United States. In addition to that, there is a wide-open border where fentanyl is coming across, and that is encouraged, and as a result of that, we have thousands upon thousands of people dying in the United States. And then the best that our federal politicians can say was, ‘well, it didn’t kill as many people this year as last year.'”

Three Disney World employees were arrested, which raises questions about the company’s hiring practices and background check procedures.

Even more alarming, three individuals were arrested for traveling to sexually batter children. For instance, illegal alien Ezequiel Mejia has been charged with multiple offenses after attempting to meet a minor for sexual purposes.

The operation resulted in 35 felonies and 201 misdemeanors, with the arrested individuals’ combined criminal histories of 327 felonies and 455 misdemeanors.

This staggering record of previous offenses raises serious concerns about the effectiveness of our current justice system and immigration enforcement in preventing repeat offenses.

As “Operation Autumn Sweep” demonstrates, the link between illegal immigration and crime is undeniable.

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