About 5 Min News Break

5 Minute News Break is all about being concise, conservative, and conversational. We provide digestible information from a conservative lens, but give you enough information to understand the talking points and formulate your own opinion about the issue.

Take the time to stay informed about issues that affect your daily life from the perspective of traditional American values. Ignore the liberal bias and ignite a focus on real, fact-based information.

Approach Each Day with a Mission

At 5 Minute News Break, we’re on a two-fold mission: to empower you with Snappy News, so you can read frequent news updates quickly throughout your busy day, and to make sure you get some Quick Breaks during your day, to embrace some uplifting, community-centric content that will make the day more bearable.

Our mission is to report the news in a way respectful to the law enforcement officers who protect and serve, along with men and women in uniform serving at home and abroad, and the hometown healthcare heroes who care so much.

What 5 Minute News Break Publishes

We provide information and insights in a quick format focusing on issues that affect your individual rights and freedoms. If you’re concerned with community outlook, personal responsibility, fiscal conservatism, first and second amendment rights, and the right to life, you’ll enjoy what we have to offer.

Daily Updates with Snappy News

Snappy News updates gives it to you quickly — the news you need in a frequent, concise newsletter format. We don’t play around with ‘progressive’ spin — our news focuses on facts and action. Subscribe to Snappy News for fast features as they happen so you don’t miss a beat. Stay on top of what you need to keep your community and your family safe.

Stay Informed with Quick Breaks

Need a minute to take a break from your day? Quick Breaks is full of uplifting, community-centric news for conservatives who care. We know you find faith-centered, family-focused stories inspiring, and that’s why we encourage you to subscribe to Quick Breaks! Keep the balance, keep the love, and keep it light with your Quick Breaks.

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Are you ready to stay informed? In just five minutes per day, 5 Minute News Break can help you stay aware of the issues you need to know about to keep your family, friends, faith, and community safe. Subscribe to our newsletter to stay updated.

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20 Penn Mart Shopping Ctr PMB 570
New Castle DE 19720

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