Mike Rowe’s Huge Prediction (Video)

(5MinNewsBreak.com) – Mike Rowe, a favorite of social conservatives who was the host of “Dirty Jobs,” recently shared his insights regarding a shift in educational trends among Generation Z involving the growing popularity of vocational training programs.

See the video of Mike Rowe’s interview below!

Citing a Wall Street Journal report, Rowe stressed during an interview on Fox News’ “One Nation with Brian Kilmeade” the noticeable increase in vocational enrollment.

The National Student Clearinghouse data indicates a 16% rise in overall enrollment for vocational-focused community colleges since 2022, including a 23% increase for students pursuing construction jobs and a 7% increase for those in Heating, Ventilation, Air Conditioning (HVAC), and vehicle repair programs.

Rowe expressed cautious optimism about this trend but refrained from celebrating prematurely. He articulated his belief that Generation Z is showing a greater openness to trades as a viable career path, a perspective he views positively.

“The color of collars is no longer the thing it used to be,” Rowe said, as cited by The Daily Wire, referencing the classification of blue-collar versus white-collar workers.

“I just don’t think it matters. The idea that the generation that has become the biggest target for entitlements and a lack of work ethic… I mean, these guys are an easy target. They’re snowflakes, essentially. But… we’re the clouds from which the snowflakes fell. And whatever you want to say about Gen Z, they will be the next toolbelt generation. Because the evidence demands a verdict,” he elaborated.

“The idea that the generation that has become the biggest target for entitlements and a lack of work ethic… I mean, these guys are an easy target. They’re snowflakes, essentially. But… we’re the clouds from which the snowflakes fell. And whatever you want to say about Gen Z, they will be the next toolbelt generation. Because the evidence demands a verdict,” Rowe commented.

Further, Rowe highlighted the prohibitive cost of traditional four-year colleges as a significant factor influencing this shift.

“And these kids have been around, and they’re seeing $94,000 a year at Tufts,” he said. “They’re seeing all of the craziness… Brown and Dartmouth and Harvard. They’re seeing a $52 billion endowment at Harvard. They’re seeing all the craziness that’s constantly in the headlines,” Rowe explained.

“And they’re just saying, ‘Look, why do I want to start a career in a major I haven’t even declared yet and go that far into debt to pursue a job that probably doesn’t even exist, when we got 10,000 other jobs over here… that don’t require a four-year degree?” he added.

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