AOC to the Rescue?

( – Signaling that an unlikely second term will hugely rely on the extreme left, Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez has been tapped as Joe Biden’s reelection campaign’s savior.

AOC will be tasked with championing Biden’s climate policies as beneficial for young and progressive voters.

While endorsing Biden, Ocasio-Cortez will maintain her extremist views as a critical voice, especially concerning the Biden administration’s policies on Israel and the conflict in Gaza by condemning the U.S. military aid to Israel.

Former Rep. Steve Israel highlighted Ocasio-Cortez’s significant influence among “young voters and progressives of all ages.”

“She can play a very impactful role in helping to unite them to stop Donald Trump,” he added. “She can remind them about Biden’s success in funding climate initiatives, reducing student debt, and more.”

However, Ocasio-Cortez’s support has not extended to television appearances for Biden, which are common among official surrogates.

Biden’s decision to turn to AOC for support comes after recent polls revealed a lack of optimism among young voters about the country’s direction and a preference for Trump in these groups.

Biden acknowledged Ocasio-Cortez’s influence during a climate speech in Virginia, expressing his respect for her insights. “Rep. Ocasio-Cortez of New York, you know, I learned a long time ago: Listen to that lady. Listen to that lady. We’re going to talk more about another part of the world too, real quickly.”

After the speech, the two had a brief, serious conversation that cemented their ongoing dialogue.

Our Revolution executive director Joseph Geevarghese commented on the tricky relationship between progressive lawmakers and Biden, “At the end of the day, young people are not naive. They are not blindly going to say, ‘Well, AOC or Bernie is for Biden, so I’m going to be for Biden.”

Geevarghese also highlighted that progressives have been smart to whisper in Biden’s ear to get things accomplished while also keeping a somewhat critical voice urging him to go further to the left.

“There’s an agreement to disagree on certain policies. But there’s also a recognition that the president has given progressives a seat at the table,” he concluded.

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